Why was Social Ed started?

Dora started developing Social Ed after watching the interview Molly Russell’s father gave in which he states, Instagram “helped killed my daughter”.

Molly Russell, 14, took her own life in 2017. Her father found posts that encouraged self harm and suicide on Molly’s Instagram feed. As a millennial, Dora has experienced the negative impacts of social media and wants to help young people avoid this, using her first-hand experience.

Social Ed workshops aims to teach people how to use their social accounts in a healthy way, to enhance their lives and stay safe.

Dora is a Youth Mental Health First Aider, with a background in management consulting. She’s run workshops with senior leaders from companies such as Three, The John Lewis Partnership and the Metropolitan Police. She uses this experience to design fun, engaging and insightful workshops.


Changing how people use social media

We think social media (socials) can be used in a healthy way. If users understand how socials can harm their mental wellbeing, they can learn how to protect it and enjoy socials.

Follow us on socials for tips on how to use social media in a healthy way